Faith-based adoption rules hurt kids

(By Tamya McGee, Detroit Free Press guest writer 12:20 p.m. EDT May 26, 2015) 

Michigan's foster care system can't afford to turn away any qualified parent. Yet, the state House passed three bills in March that would allow child welfare providers to turn away qualified and interested foster and adoptive parents based on the provider's personal religious or moral beliefs. Rather than focusing on the needs of foster youth, these harmful adoption restrictions put the preferences of service providers above the best interests of our most vulnerable kids. I speak from experience. Having lived in temporary foster care, I know we need every willing, loving adult available to care for us when our own parents cannot.Placement decisions should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis that assess interested parents on the safety of their home, the strengths of the family and the best interests of each individual child. But these bills allow providers to turn away gay and lesbian foster parents. The belief that LGBT parents are unfit has no factual evidence. It is only personal, biased beliefs…click here to access this article via the Detroit Free Press. (May 2015)

Tamya McGee, a graduating senior at Michigan State University, spent two years in foster care. She spent the last quarter interning in Washington, D.C., with Voice for Adoption, a national child welfare advocacy organization.


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